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The Full Story

Mission & Vision

"We will embrace, listen, understand and provide the education to those who may not know or understand the benefits of following Christ.

We understand that everyone has a choice. Our objective: "to provide the information necessary to help those interested make the choice."  It is not required that you be self admitted Christians to participate in our ministry. 

Mountain Ridge


To reverse the decline of Christianity

We will seek to understand and acknowledge the “Post Christian Era” cultural views. We will establish friendships and not be offended or argumentative. Through our spiritual fruit and gifts, we will be an example of Christ. We will develop relationships, communicate and educate. We will appeal to the intellectual mind and incorporate the spiritual realm by planting the seeds. We will have Faith that the Holy Spirit will water the seeds and produce the interest that will lead to acceptance.


Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest.

” Matthew 9:37-38"


We are laser focused on establishing relationships and providing services to the community. Our Family Community Center may be similar to other community centers, however, it is also like no other. We operate by opening up our facility to others that need space to gather with family and friends. There is no cost to use our facility. The programs we seek to offer will be based on needs not currently being met elsewhere. We will conduct surveys for ideas and suggestions that parents in the community need, that are not currently available. Our approach provides a setting for parents, the youth and children to meet and come together with the focus on positive influential programs.


Quote....."Since I started participating, I've come to see the world through a different set of glasses. I have more patience, I'm more relaxed and the challenges of life just don't seem to bother me as much anymore"


Round Sunglasses
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