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Is There a Compelling Event?

COMPELLING is defined as “evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way” EVENT is defined as “a thing that happens, especially one of importance”


I think we could all arguably agree we don’t normally do anything without a reason. Defining the compelling event in the non-believer is a necessary skill of the evangelist.


Prior to ministry, I spent 40 years in industry. 24 years of my career was working in the consulting industry, specifically software implementation for small, medium and large businesses. During that time I also managed the consulting sales aspect of the business.

As a consultant I was hired to help companies and corporation’s correct problems in their business. Think ! Why would they hire an outside firm and pay them to help them solve their business problems? In every situation it was because they had a COMPELLING event. There’s not enough space on this blog to list them all but suffice to say one existed; and they existed at a variety of levels with the top level most always "to improve cash flow in their business"

As a sales professional it is always necessary to identify the compelling event and build around that. In the sales business we say...."expose the pain and then provide the solution" This is exceptionally important when selling and the buyer isn't convinced they need what you are offering.

A successful sales professional always either builds on the compelling event already defined by the buyer, or in the case that the buyer is not convinced, then the first order of business is create and compelling event! If you’ve ever been in sales, you would know a good salesperson helps them define and solve this event. In sales you will always hear the question. "What the compelling event?"


As a disciple of Jesus, you could easily make the parallel between selling service and selling Christianity. When we evangelize, we are looking to sell the non-believer on the concept of Who Jesus is and what He did for us…

This sale just like any sales, the buyer must have a compelling event; and if they don’t we need to help them define it.. Right?

More to Come

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