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I'm Not Sure About This?

This message is for those who visit our site that may or may not have made a commitment to Christianity. They may not really know what it is, or they may not fully understand it. This understandable in a Post Christian Era culture. It's OK.


I was born in a Woonsocket RI in 1959. At that time the predominate nationality in the city was French Canadian and the Religion was Roman Catholic. My entire family was, and many still are Roman Catholic. I should mention that Christianity is not defined by specific denomination. Christianity is defined by those who believe in Jesus Christ and what He did for us at the cross. More on that later.

The dictionary defines the word religion as "the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods" The Latin translation means "to-bind". So, you can arguably agree that religion means "to come together on a belief in God."


Let me first start by saying like in another area of society where humans exist, you will always find emotionally unhealthy people. The reasons for this unhealthy emotional state of mind stems from a variety of different circumstances for which now is not the time to explain. My point is this. YES, Christians are human and YES they have flaws just like everyone else.

As a matter of fact Christians willingly admit they are sinners (in the context of Christianity "sin" is conducting ones thoughts, words and actions apart from the Word of God) But try not to get too hung up on the spiritual lingo. Simple put they think the wrong thing, they say the wrong things and they do the wrong thing some times just like everyone else. Christians (even unhealthy ones know this) We don't believe or ever will we believe we are or will be perfect.


Christians think they're perfect and look down on others or judge them. They think they never make mistakes.

This is true and false.

True because unhealthy Christians who are not practicing their attendance to service, devotional time, prayer, self evaluating etc. will have tendency just like many others with this issue "to judge." Unfortunately for Christianity it is this behavior that encourages or establishes a stigma. So, if you are being judged or looked down upon by someone who claims to be Christian, try to see them just as anyone else who still has flaws in their character. Try to avoid blaming Christianity as a whole. Find a healthy Christian!

False because healthy Christians recognize that they themselves are not perfect. Most if not all Christians have a past that they had to let go of in order to follow Christ. This is how the process works. They slowly transform from who they where (sinners) to who they want to become. They want to sin less and keep focus on an every changing transformation for good. Healthy Christians have qualities that even emotionally healthy non-Christians have. I encourage you to take the time and investigate. Visit your local community of faith and see what I mean.

More to come

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